Posts Tagged ‘blog’



Never leave a chance. Never let hopes leave.

This realization, helped me go through all the obstacles in my life.

Big or small ones, every rock there is in your way must be kicked out and not overpassed.

There is always a way, only yourself can create the right one.

We must always create. Without creativity our life is plain. No one wants a plain life.

Each one of us must believe, and have faith, it allows you to cope.

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It is no secret that facing your fears makes you stronger and even more powerful in your own space. I do believe that all things made possible by ones 1)belief 2)willingness 3)work.


Nothing is ever made with inaction, or with someone at the other end telling everyone what and how to proceed. Work to be done, for good, needs a simple ingredient.  Collaboration. If you can’t communicate or have the willingness to follow your dream, then it surely won’t happen itself.

It’s a common practice that people are not aware of their strengths. I experience this from my own self. I can see how i lose my faith and hope, but every time i do, i stand corrected. Why? Because there is nothing i tried and haven’t succeeded. My whole life is a battle between my wants and how to accomplish them, and believe me with first of all hard work, and willingness i create the things i want.

If you try too much, and fail, is not always a sign that you did something wrong, because Failure might be the key to success. Although identifying the reasons of failure can also lead you there.

Very Important Tip: Most people’s hold-back-thoughts about trying too hard are being corrupted by other people’s judgement. Well, the time where the ones who judge will start working on their own failures isn’t far, so please ignore everyone says you can’t accomplish for any of their reasons.


My final reason for losing faith and hope is the people around us. Usually the kind of people who don’t try hard to get what they want, and they don’t always get it, are always surrounded by people that admire them when it’s the opposite that they should do.

We shouldn’t be around people that admire us, but with people that we admire.

People that worship your every move, as i call them mood-boosters, soon will find someone or something else to get attached to, so there is no reason we should be let them affect our criticality and let them decrease our motivation.


Pretty well every time I write an article I do believe that every start is a new one, and you can’t percentage your failure. BUT never lose hope because nothing great is ever accomplished without persistence and patience. Because you must translate your wants into work. Because we shouldn’t use the mood-boosters to change our thinking.


*Have a great summer!



If you read my blog, you will probably have understood that I am all about setting goals, making lists and plans. I don’t like leave everything to its fate. Although I like to live each day differently, I believe that having a written schedule of your day keeps you organized without being organized. In a few words, lists put your life in order.

Goals should be written down with a date expiration. This way you can organize and plan the whole idea of achieving. The written goals are representative of your inner wants and needs and it’s a reminder of your desire to achieve. When you set a goal and measure the achievement, you are able to see what you have done and what you are capable of. If you don’t write them down, then how can you look back and re evaluate your path if you fail?

MY ULTIMATE GOAL: My goal is to create operating systems for myself that allow me to think as little as possible about the silly decisions I make all day long.

I wish i could say I haven’t set a routine but I realize i do have one. I wake up at the same time every day, shower, then work. Although it would be a lie if someone would say that I am captived during the work hours. I am a guy who’s always trying to pack up as much as I can into a single day and I am lucky to have a job that I can gain inspiration from. My job gives me another way to be productive, and that’s important for the mood I bring home afterwards. This is a way to fill every second of my day collecting inspiration from the second i wake up till the same time the next day.

I would say I am being inspired by the dreams i have during my sleep also.


The ultimate focus should be on what you can actually achieve at your best. You have to focus on making real time decisions and should be according to your daily life.Goals are being divided in two categories. The false and the correct ones. The false ones are those who make you creature of habit. The correct ones are those that can make you better and move forward.


  • You can set as a goal to go to bed every day at the same time but every day has different demands so be realistic.
  • Having an empty mail inbox is a fake goal because your goals are being set to make you better from achieving not overpassing.


  • Complete task before its expiration date.(time management)
  • Ways for yourself to think less and act more.

Through goal setting you have the luxury to remind yourself each day, what is it that you really want. Also when you check a task out of your list it’s the ultimate satisfaction and it makes you want to achieve more.

To sum up goal setting can help you through the rough times, finish your tasks efficiently and focus on important things.

Keep listing.



Now, I don’t want you to just read this article, I want you to read it and absorb what I am trying to pass on you.


The Internet is a place where everyone given a little bit of attention, thinks he’s on top of the world. The Internet can really make you feel like you’re on top of the world and it does. On the other hand, the Internet can make you feel like you are a piece of trash and that you don’t belong even though you clearly belong. You definitely 100% belong.

So let’s start by stating the obvious. The Internet is a virtual place. With just a click, you can be anywhere in the world. Or you can also be anyone in the world you would like to be. You can be anyone and anything you choose to be. But remember, that’s only in the virtual world. In reality, you will find yourself in your bed with bulging eyes in front of a screen. That’s scary right?

What in fact interesting is, that people who use the Internet are being called Users. Not people; Users. We’re 0s and 1s. That should’ve rang a bell by now.


Since the Internet is NOT the real world, but a virtual one, the top way to communicate with each other virtual selves (friends; whatever), is by typing words.  Words like the ones we use in the real world where people communicate with spoken words. You see there is a big difference between the written words and the spoken words.

Words are so powerful, and the Internet is full of people that don’t know how to use them. The impeccable use of strong and influential, with great potent, words makes a good novel readable and a good article worth to read.

Users are trying to walk the talk and they fail. People with no education, using the Internet and since the virtual world is a CHAOS, everyone co-exist in this one big of a mess. People with PhDs and people with no education at all, exchange opinions through the Internet, something where in real life that would be unacceptable. UNHEARD RIGHT?

That’s why Users are hating on everyone. Online bullying is a really serious problem. If you’re fat you have to look thin. If you’re ugly you have to look beautiful. If you’re uneducated you have to look educated. If you haven’t been to a place, you have to show that you have been to that place. And all this because of the new Internet (virtual world’s) standards. This online bullying to people that choose to live their virtual life as their real one HAS to stop.

A great example: This very evening, I checked my Instagram notifications, i saw Lena Dunham‘s Instagram post that were saying the following:

Why on earth would someone Imagego to Lena’s Instagram and hate on her body when she’s a brilliant artist, and a refulgent person? She is one of them users that chose to be exactly the same in their virtual and real life. Why would you best prefer, for Lena, to post pictures of her-not-real self? She is what she is, and that’s what she’s showing. The REAL her. Just because you don’t project your real self on the Internet that doesn’t mean you have to hate on someone for choosing the right way.

Of course Lena Dunham is an example, users hating on everyone just because they can. But WORDS guys, words are so strong you have no idea.

Now, something bad has happened or trying to be happen: Nowadays, since the Internet is a basic way of life, we try to merge the virtual world with the real world. THATS UNHEARD. That’s something that is really out of this world but we try to make it real and of course we fail every single time. You can’t merge your USER life with your REAL life. It’s like playing with Sims; that’s not you, if you know what i mean.

That’s a basic reason why this merge of VIRTUAL and REAL world CANNOT HAPPEN: Users are waiting for other users to like their updates online. It’s a way to feel accepted in the virtual world. It’s like talking to someone and say a good word to them, but no, in the real world you wouldn’t talk nice to them, but of course you would like their picture on the Internet.

If you want to make an impact and act like your virtual self emerges to the real one then you would know what a “like” means and you shall not “like” something you don’t like.

Being popular on the internet gives you advantages only if the impact of your virtual self engages to your real self.

If what you have created over the years, being a user, is not what you really are in your life, big disappointments are coming for you. No no, don’t be scared. The disappointments are coming for you in your real world, and it won’t affect your User life.

It’s time for you to start having a real life. It’s time you stop co-existing with a virtual self. If you’re too engaged to the virtual world that’s not a problem. There’s always time, and friends, real friends, that can make you feel REAL.

A USER is not what you really are, stop acting like one.

I am closing this article with a quote from a really genius person that, for me, says it all

“Everything is so amazing and nobody is happy” – Louis C.K



The biggest disappointments in our lives are often the result of misplaced expectations.  This is especially true when it comes to our relationships and interactions with others.

Tempering your expectations of other people will greatly reduce unnecessary frustration and suffering, in both your life and theirs, and help you refocus on the things that truly matter. Which means it’s time to…

1.  Stop expecting them to agree with you.

You deserve to be happy.  You deserve to live a life you are excited about.  Don’t let the opinions of others make you forget that.  You are not in this world to live up to the expectations of others, nor should you feel that others are here to live up to yours.  In fact, the more you approve of your own decisions in life, the less approval you need from everyone else. You have to dare to be yourself, and follow you own intuition, however frightening or strange that may feel or prove to be.  Don’t compare yourself to others.  Don’t get discouraged by their progress or success.  Follow your own path and stay true to your own purpose.  Success is ultimately about spending your life happily in your own way.

2.  Stop expecting them to respect you more than you respect yourself.

True strength is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles.  It’s about having faith and trust in who you are, and a willingness to act upon it.  Decide this minute to never again beg anyone for the love, respect, and attention that you should be showing yourself. Today, look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I love you, and from now on I’m going to act like it.”  It’s important to be nice to others, but it’s even more important to be nice to yourself.  When you practice self-love and self-respect, you give yourself the opportunity to be happy.  When you are happy, you become a better friend, a better family member, and a better YOU.

3.  Stop expecting (and needing) them to like you.

You might feel unwanted and unworthy to one person, but you are priceless to another.  Don’t ever forget your worth.  Spend time with those who value you.  No matter how good you are to people, there will always be one negative person who criticizes you.  Smile, ignore them, and carry on. In this crazy world that’s trying to make you like everyone else, the toughest battle you’ll ever have to fight is the battle to be yourself.  And as you’re fighting back, not everyone will like you.  Sometimes people will call you names because you’re “different.”  But that’s perfectly OK.  The things that make you different are the things that make YOU, and the right people will love you for it.

4.  Stop expecting them to fit your idea of who they are.

Loving and respecting others means allowing them to be themselves.  When you stop expecting people to be a certain way, you can begin to appreciate THEM. Pay close attention, and respect people for who they are and not for who you want them to be.  We don’t know most people half as well as we believe we do; and truly knowing someone is a big part of what makes them wonderful.  Every human being is remarkable and beautiful; it just takes a patient set of eyes to see it.  The more you get to know someone, the more you will be able to look beyond their appearance and see the beauty of who they truly are.

5.  Stop expecting them to know what you’re thinking.

People can’t read minds.  They will never know how you feel unless you tell them.  Your boss?  Yeah, he doesn’t know you’re hoping for a promotion because you haven’t told him yet.  That cute guy you haven’t talked to because you’re too shy?  Yeah, you guessed it, he hasn’t given you the time of day simply because you haven’t given him the time of day either. In life, you have to communicate with others regularly and effectively.  And often, you have to open your vocal cords and speak the first words.  You have to tell people what you’re thinking.  It’s as simple as that.

6.  Stop expecting them to suddenly change.

If there’s a specific behavior someone you care about has that you’re hoping disappears over time, it probably won’t.  If you really need them to change something, be honest and put all the cards on the table so this person knows how you feel and what you need them to do. For the most part though, you can’t change people and you shouldn’t try.  Either you accept who they are or you choose to live without them.  It’s might sound harsh, but it’s not.  When you try to change people, they often remain the same, but when you don’t try to change them – when you support them and allow them the freedom to be as they are – they gradually change in the most beautiful way.  Because what really changes is the way you see them.

7.  Stop expecting them to be “OK.”

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle, just like you.  Every smile or sign of strength hides an inner struggle every bit as complex and extraordinary as your own. Remember that embracing your light doesn’t mean ignoring your dark.  We are measured by our ability to overcome adversities and insecurities, not avoid them.  Supporting, sharing and making contributions to other people is one of life’s greatest rewards.  This happens naturally if we allow it, because we all share very similar dreams, needs and struggles.  Once we accept this, the world then is a place where we can look someone else in the eye and say, “I’m lost and struggling at the moment,” and they can nod and say, “Me too,” and that’s OK.  Because not being “OK” all the time, is perfectly OK.


People rarely behave exactly the way you want them to.  Hope for the best, but expect less.  And remember, the magnitude of your happiness will be directly proportional to your thoughts and how you choose to think about things.  Even if a situation or relationship doesn’t work out at all, it’s still worth it if it made you feel something new, and if it taught you something new.




One word, eight letters. O R G A N I Z E. You can never start something new, without having to make first an outline. A plan on how to move in this very new beginning of yours. Make every step incline to the goals you’re setting and include everything you think is the most important.

Do not make a plan using the same old things you’re doing. Because if you want to achieve new goals, you have to do what you don’t usually do. SO, block out every incoming-truly-unwanted stimuli that surrounds you and stick to your plan.


Of course, doing more with less, everyone’s mind goes to have more with spending less. And no that’s not the point of this article. I’m not here talk to you about your economical situation and taught you how to spend your money. Do more’s meaning is about doing (productivity) and by “less” i mean less energy and sources to use in order to achieve and succeed and create.

So in order for you to build something new, something refreshing you have to completely give up some of your things that’s keeping you from doing it. Something you think is the least important in your daily life, something that drains your battery out the most.

Reach your personal satisfaction and your self improvement in the highest levels by doing what you simply care about the most, and everything will follow. Yes, of course, I didn’t say it’s going to be easy. It might be extremely difficult or it might be unnaturally easy. But in my case i don’t really count on that, because the results will definitely come.  And once they’re complete you’re feeling complete too.

Do what you’re great doing. Since we all have something upside to ignore, give it a try and do it.



Who doesn’t want someone to be there for them, in the bad or even the good times? Everyone needs someone who can talk and show affection to. Whatever obstacles there are among you and the others must be crushed away. And only you know the right way to achieve this.

Others’ don’t know what’s inside your head, so if you don’t show it, others can’t just smell it in the air. If we want to be closer to each other, we have to talk to each other. Talk about our feelings, our viewpoints, fears, ambitions, goals, desires, wants, needs, fantasies etc. Talk about everything and any thing with each other. 

Be there at the end of the day. You can always rely on the person that needs you the most, even if they don’t say it straight to you. Always listen to what the other has to say and if they don’t want to talk about it right away then don’t push them to. They will come to you when they need this. 

The most difficult part of the bonding process is to be honest with each other. As every most important thing, being honest is the most difficult part too. The glue of doing well with someone is to be honest and listen to them.

ImageIMPORTANT: We can be there for each other, only because we want to and NOT because we have to. That’s one of the most frustrating reasons for couples to be together. It’s not that it is annoying, it’s just that it’s not right and it’s fully dishonest. 

This self righteous attitude you have that you are more concerned about what you feel will not lead you to choose the right path and achieve things. It will only make you confused. So if you want to save yourself, thinking about yourself will not fix it for you. 

“Don’t freeze up the part of you that feels.”

My tips: Show your affection. Talk to each other. Be honest. Move on. 



Earlier this week, while i was watching one of my favorite shows, i heard the phrase “Don’t waste time on guilt, holding onto toxic relationships is what keeps us from growing,” and something inside me just clicked. I already knew that my next post on the blog was definitely going to be about Guilt. 

The other day whilst i was talking on the phone with my friend, i don’t really remember what we were taking about, and it’s not really relevant anyway, but the point of me referring to this is because he told me that i don’t have to feel guilty about something. And you know what? I wasn’t feeling guilty at all. But the way he brought it up and stuck it in my head for over a week made me feel like he was implying i should feel guilty.

So, the main point is that i had to feel guilty about something i don’t even remember the subject of. 


Guilt is not a feeling like anger or sadness. It’s not a natural emotion but it’s a cultural product. It prevents you from moving on, and it won’t help you reinstall yourself. Guilt can’t fix your past, or what you’ve done. So apparently nothing good comes on feeling guilty about things you’ve done. And exactly because guilt is a thought process we might as well not mixing it up with other feelings as many people do.

We often misunderstand our feelings. Is it guilt what we feel? Or is it sadness, or maybe anger? The true and actual causes of guilt is feeling bad about doing something bad. Although causes of sadness is feeling bad about someone else did something bad. Causes of anger has nothing to do with feeling bad and it’s being eliminated. So it’s definitely not anger what you’re feeling.

“It is difficult to improve your life without knowing whether you are sad or angry about some aspect of it,” says psychological scientist Emre Demiralp of the University of Michigan. And I’m totally familiar with it since I’m reading a hell out of psychology books the past years trying to objectify and understand my own feelings and actions.  

The main point of posting this article was to show you that wasting time, on wrong feelings might lead you to way different things than what you were targeting. The time goes by, the ability to identify our feelings helps us address the problem that led us to those emotions in the first place. 

So my advise is to “Be Specific.” When you know exactly what you want, and have already eliminated what you’re not, the chances of doing something that is completely out of your book, is almost impossible.



Everyone see ‘failure’ as the bad result to something they tried to achieve and didn’t succeed. Most people think that failure brings more failure. I’m not here to disagree with that BUT i’m here to tell you that failure may bring failure but success doesn’t bring success either. Instead of being afraid to fail, you should see failure as a way of trying to succeed and not as a result of something you didn’t.

Failure is not a result, is a process of trying. Failure is the opportunity to begin again something you failed to do the time before, more intelligently. Every start is a new start, so you have more chances to succeed than to fail. Also a nice start-up-again will bring more results, you will gain more info about your subject and will watch the procedure the more carefuly and see the results more clearly.

Success is not about learning to recognize your faults. Success doesn’t make you the-man-makes-no-mistakes. Success brings you closer to the goal, but failure makes you understand HOW you ‘walked’ all that way to there. The man that makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.

People should use their influence to turn failure into success. Analyze the procedure better, and implement.  Failure will forge your personality, also, like nothing else will. Success takes willpower, intelligence, determination, and grit. “Failure is a far better character builder than any affirmation or fleeting goal.” But more than anything else, it requires failure. Success occurs in leaps and bounds for people who are ready for it.

Use this is an opportunity to reassess your relationship to the true key to success that so many people fear.



Hold your breath
Make a wish
Count to three

Come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination
Take a look and you’ll see into your imagination
We’ll begin with a spin trav’ling in the world of my creation
What we’ll see will defy explanation

If you want to view paradise simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it want to change the world, there’s nothing to it
There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination
Livingthere, you’ll be free if you truly wish to be










When I talk about “showing up” for life, this refers to more than getting out of bed, splashing water on my face, and crossing items off of my to-do list. And when I talk about “showing up” for relationships, I mean something more than those times I plop my rear end in a chair, make eye contact, and nod as someone speaks to me (I cringe to admit how many times I’ve done this without truly listening). So what does it mean to “show up?” Showing up is bringing all your sincerity and energy to the present moment. It requires being authentic and living in this moment, and now this one.

I don’t know about you, but my presence tends to wander. During conversations, I mentally rehash what I just said and what I’ll say next. I worry, try to predict and evade all possible risks, and monitor every detail of my self-presentation in the hopes that others will like me. So rather than hear someone’s name when we’re introduced or respond in a heartfelt way to their story, I focus inward and lose an opportunity to appreciate and contribute to the moment.

As the workshop group talked about “showing up” and its elemental presence, openness, and sincerity, I felt a little sick to my stomach. I began to consider how I rarely showed up for anything or anyone. I started down the staircase of guilt, recalling instances when I had decidedly not shown up with my husband, my sister, my clients… even my pets. I realized that, more often than not, I didn’t show up even for simple things like enjoying a meal or connecting with my dog when she came to greet me at the door.

As someone trained in counseling, I like to think that I listen when people speak and take time to appreciate life as it unfolds. And sometimes I do! But much of the time, I analyze, evaluate, criticize, and judge. I often attempt to act witty and charming at the expense of authenticity. Yuck! I don’t want to be so busy criticizing or trying to make a certain impression that I don’t experience what’s right in front of me.

I gave it a try, expecting it would take several tries to relinquish that protective wall I held up between me and the world. So I decided to start small and let go of some of that distancing persona. I tried to simply relax into the moment and see what emerged. It felt weird, but instead of feeling like work it was more of a relief. I felt lighter, free of all the effort and stress involved in trying to be a certain way. Sure, I encountered some surprising or awkward moments with friends and family as we adjusted to this more authentic me. We just weren’t accustomed to it, so it felt new and strange.

But after some initial adjustments, something amazing occurred: they started to show up, too. Something about showing up opens a channel of trust and honesty between the people present. Showing up is really just about being yourself. That sounds so simple, but it can take practice. I still catch myself falling into old habits of trying to charm someone or worrying about being liked. But I gently remind myself that all I need to do is show up. The rest takes care of itself. For me, showing up involves letting go of control. And it has opened me up to some wonderful new ways to be in the world. Instead of obsessing about how I come across, I release my need to appear perfect and just… show up.

Consider the ways you could “show up” more in your life and relationships. See what showing up means for you and how it might transform some old habits that keep you at a distance from the present moment and people in your life.